Unspecified error when try to open commerce order web service

While setting up my commerce web services, i ran into this issue when tried to open order web service.

“System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80004005): Unspecified error   at Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Profiles.ProfileServiceClass.Initialize(String sConfigStore, String sCatalog   at Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Profiles.ProfileContext..ctor(String profileServiceConnectionString, String providerConnectionString, String bdaoConnectionString, DebugContext debugContext)”

After so much of googling i found that problem is with the connection strings for the profiles resource on the site. I did following steps to fix this issue:

Step 1: Open Commerce Server Manager

Step 2: Expand CommerceServerManager–>Global Resources–>Profiles(Your Site)–>Profile Catalog–>Data Sources

Step 3: Correct the connection string for each data source